Library Management System

Library Management System


The Library Management System is a comprehensive portal designed to efficiently track and manage the books available in a library. It serves two primary user roles: administrators and regular users.

Administrator Features:

  • Add Books: Administrators have the privilege to add new books to the system, including details such as title, author, genre, and available copies.
  • View Books: Administrators can view a complete list of all books present in the library, along with their respective details.
  • Borrow History: Administrators have access to the borrowing history of each book, facilitating efficient management of book circulation.
  • Delete Books: If necessary, administrators can remove books from the system, ensuring an up-to-date and accurate catalog.
  • User Management: Administrators can register new users into the system and maintain a list of current users.

User Features:

  • Borrow Books: Users can browse the catalog, check the availability of books, and borrow them as needed.
  • Return Books: Upon finishing with a borrowed book, users can return it through the system, making it available for others.
  • Check Availability: Users can ascertain the number of copies available for a particular book, aiding informed borrowing decisions.

The Library Management System streamlines library operations, offering administrators robust tools for catalog management and user administration, while providing users with a user-friendly interface to explore and borrow books efficiently.

Tech Stack

  • Spring Boot: Framework used to create microservices and web apps.
  • Angular: Framework to develop single page applications.
  • Maven: Build automation and project management tool.
  • Hibernate: Object-relational mapping (ORM) tool.
  • MySQL: A relational database management system.